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On March 06, 2024, the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty held the events of the National Forum on "Tangible Heritage in the Aures and the Eastern Desert through Ages, between Valuation and Preservation. The Laboratory of Historical and Civilizational Studies of the Aures and the Eastern Desert through the Ages organized the event, with lectures and three workshops.

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On Tuesday morning, March 05, 2024, the University Post-Graduation Vice- rectorate organized an online placement test in English for A1, A2, B1, and B2 levels, using MOODLE, supervised by the Vice-rector and engineers and technicians of Biskra University Networks and Information Systems Centre.






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On February 13, 2024, Biskra University Secretary-General, the vice-rector in charge of pedagogy, the deans of faculties, the vice-director of scientific, cultural and sports activities, the directors of university services of Chetma and Biskra and the president of the Wilaya
Sports Association attended, in the multi-sports hall, the launch of the National University Championship for the South Region 03, of football and volleyball, for females and males.
