National Service Awareness Day Organized for Biskra University Students

FB IMG 1707686909700On February 11, 2024, Biskra University held the Awareness Campaign on National Service events organized by the Directorate of National Service for university students. The University Rector, Mr. Mahmoud Dababeche, university officials and community, as well as military cadres attended the event. It was initiated by the Regional Centre Commander for National Service of Biskra Wilaya,

Lieutenant Colonel Adel Larkam. In his statement, he defined the national service, its benefits and objectives, with a brief history from 1968 to the present day, its most important achievements, structures and processes, with statistics, medical examination and others, referring to the laws governing the process with various available options to students in this field, the exemption laws and the choice of military specialties. The event attending students interacted by asking several inquiring questions.

