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Biskra University 2024-2025 Academic Year Opening

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On 24 September 2024, Biskra University witnessed the official opening of the 2024/2025
academic year headed by the Wali, Mr Lakhdar Saddas, with the university community, led
by the university Rector, Pr. Mahmoud Debabeche. This years opening was marked by the
contribution of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr Kamal Badari
from Cybersecurity High School with an opening lecture entitled ‘The Algerian University is
the Creator of the Possible’. He highlighted the government will continue to democratise
higher education. 

Then, the Rector congratulated Prof. Belkacem Mehdad for being ranked
among the 2% of the worlds scientists for the year 2024. He stressed on establishing
university values, and reviving professional ethics via a dialogue culture and respect for
regulations, to ensure a successful academic year, especially after the qualitative leap
witnessed by Biskra University. It welcomed nearly 29,000 students in bachelor and masters
programmes, with 6850 new students in 21 training programmes, in addition to the increased
number of medical sciences students. The Wali, Mr Lakhdar Saddas also expressed his
happiness to participate in this event, especially since he is hosting Yahia Chabloun,
professor, researcher and scientist in biology and virology. He praised the role of the Algerian
scientists, honouring their country in various scientific forums. Then, on behalf of the
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Pr. Salahedine Mellaoui, member of
the Arabic Language Higher Council, delivered the lecture. Afterwards, Professor Belkacem
Mehdad, was honoured with a group of promoted teachers to the rank of professor of higher
education, as well as donors and contributors to enrich the University libraries.


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